You have spent an absurd amount of time preparing for that big interview, and you finally landed it! Now the next big thing to worry about is what to wear. First impressions have lasting effect on employers, therefore, you don’t want to go looking like a dirty hobo or a fashionista. Every tiny detail of your wardrobe that day can determine the impression you leave on an employer. I can recall an interview I had not too long ago: the girl next to me looked put together for the most part, but her chipped neon green nail polish had me cringing each time she moved her hands. If I noticed, I’m sure the employer noticed. Thankfully, today’s infographic on what to wear to a job interview will keep you from making any wardrobe mistakes. So don’t put any more stress on yourself, consult this infographic and I’m sure you’ll nail your interview and snag your dream job! [via]