Infographic Category Internet

Here’s The Recipe For A Successful Blog Site

By | source:Here Jun 29th, 2017

It seems like everyone has a blog these days. Whether you work in marketing or you just have a lot to say, it’s ridiculously easy to start a website.

But once you have the website, what content do you put on it? This is the reason that a lot of blogs fail––without a plan, it’s easy for your blog to get lost in the millions of websites out there.

Thanks to the team at LinkedIn, we have a yummy infographic that shares exactly how to build a well-balanced blog.

The majority of your blog should be grains, or heavy and filling content. Some examples include useful and relevant tips along with how-to posts. Also important: thought pieces, guest posts and case studies. (These are the veggies.)

Also important: Original research and analysis. While this is time-consuming, it’ll surely prove valuable for your readers.

The infographic also shares a blogging meal plan that’ll surely leave you feeling both hungry and inspired. Blogging daily isn’t always easy, but it pays off––your visitors will surely come back for more.

You now have an idea of where to start when it comes to blogging. Good luck! Before you start scheduling posts, be sure to check out our write-up on common blogging mistakes you’ll want to avoid.
