I am all about the brands. I have a favorite brand, be it clothes, make-up, hair product, skin products, restaurants, coffee shops. And the list goes on. I love brands that give me a reason to love them. And today’s infographic gives us some insight on the top brands of 2012, who loves them and why.
It is no surprise that Starbucks is the number one brand. Starbucks is everyone’s quick coffee fix, and I often find myself taking morning detours for a nice, hot latte. Starbucks has won America over, in part because of their fantastic branding. Everyone knows a Starbucks cup.
Today’s infographic also delves into what turns people off about brands. Bad service, wrong food and slow service listed, which shows the importance of customer service. Treat your patrons nice and they just might return.
Do you have a favorite branded restaurant? We would love to know. [Via]