Taking up a new manager role in an organization is exciting. The new opportunity comes with a lot of perks and a zeal to prove yourself. But it also comes with anxiety and uncertainty. Are you going to be an effective leader and deliver superior results for your business?
The most effective way for a leader to create results and build culture is to adopt a 30-60-90-day game plan. A 30-60-90-day plan details the targets you plan to accomplish in the first 30, 60, and 90 days of your role.
The 30-Day Plan
Observe – Absorb – Learn
Please familiarize yourself with as many aspects of your role and the organization as possible. Many managers are eager to get started and get into execution mode too soon. The focus of the first 30 days should be all about absorbing and learning about the business, environment, and the team as much as possible.
Spend time understanding your team’s existing strategy and past triumphs. The aim is to learn the exact purpose of your role, how it fits in the organization’s entire machinery, and how to perform it optimally.
The 60-Day Plan
Implement – Contribute – Optimize
At the end of 60 days of your role, people must know you as a contributor, team player, and a good listener. Share your ideas freely, speak more at meetings, contribute to the overall progress, and help improve the team’s functioning.
The 90-Day Plan
Execute – Familiarize – Experiment
By the end of 90 days, you should really be feeling one with the organization. It would help if you had a firm grasp on your role and the work culture around you. You should be familiar with everyone on your team and all the stakeholders. You must execute what you have learned in the first 60 days. Also, by this time, you can take up projects outside of your roles and collaborate more with the other teams.
Notice how, with each period, the number of learning goals decreases, and the number of performance and initiative goals increases. Hence a 30-60-90 plan helps you to smoothly transition from a new manager to an integral part of the organization with the greatest efficiency.