Infographic Category Education

How To Help Stop Malaria: 5 Causes Of Malaria

By | source:Here Jun 8th, 2023

Malaria is one of the most dangerous diseases in the world. It’s responsible for about 3.2 million deaths each year and can be spread through mosquito bites or by drinking contaminated water. Malaria can also be transmitted from mother to child during pregnancy, and it can affect almost every organ in the body. The good news is that these deaths are preventable—and with your help, we could stop malaria completely!

Living in Unsanitary Conditions

Living in unsanitary conditions can be a contributing factor of malaria. Mosquitoes can breed in stagnant water, so it’s important to keep your surroundings clean and free of unwanted substances that could attract mosquitoes. Mosquito larvae are very small, so they can hide in tiny cracks or crevices. They can also survive for months if there is an adequate supply of food and water nearby.


A Pregnant Mother

One of the biggest risks for malaria is a pregnant mother. If she contracts the disease, it can be deadly for both her and her baby. A pregnant woman who is infected with malaria may experience:

  • Premature birth or stillbirth (the death of an unborn child)
  • Low birth weight (less than 2,500 grams or 5 pounds)
  • Brain damage in the baby


Careless Blood Transfusions

Don’t donate blood if you have been to a malaria-prone area. Don’t accept blood if you have been to a malaria-prone area. Don’t accept blood if you have been in close contact with a malaria patient.


Organ Donations

Organ donation is a very serious decision that can be life-saving and life-changing for both the donor and recipient. Many people need organ donations, but there are not enough donors to meet their needs. If you or someone you know is considering organ donation, please see below:

  • You must be 18 years or older to be an organ donor in the United States
  • You do not need to register as an organ donor unless you want your wishes honored
  • All major religions support organ donation (including Catholicism)

Shared Hypodermic Needles

Sharing needles can spread malaria. Hypodermic needles are one of the most common ways for malaria to spread, and they’re often used to inject illicit drugs like heroin. It’s important to dispose of used hypodermic needles properly so they don’t end up in the hands of someone who could use them on themselves or others. Needle exchange programs (NEPs) are an effective way to stop this kind of transmission from happening.

Malaria is a serious problem, but we can end it. The world needs to do more to help. Prevention is key, so make sure you take care of yourself and your family by living in sanitary conditions. Be sure not to donate any organs unless absolutely necessary because they could carry disease with them into another person’s body. If someone gives birth while infected with malaria, do everything possible to protect her newborn baby from contracting the illness as well; this includes keeping them away from mosquitoes! Finally, be careful when receiving blood transfusions or injections from other people because these fluids may contain parasites even if their blood does not show signs of infection at first glance
