There’s no doubt that healthy habits are crucial to living a long, happy life. But if you’re like me, it can be difficult to remember all the things you need to do—especially when you’re busy! That’s why I’ve compiled this list of nine essential (and very doable) healthy habits that will help improve your body, mind and soul:
1 session of exercise per day is a good goal to shoot for. You can achieve this by working out in the morning, or at night before bedtime. Your body needs time to rest and recover from exercising so that it can be ready for the next workout tomorrow. If you’re not sure what type of exercise is right for you, try experimenting with different types until one sticks!
One of the biggest things that can help improve your sleep is to stop using your phone right before bed. The blue light emitted from screens has been shown to disrupt our circadian rhythms and make it more difficult for us to fall asleep at night. It’s also a distraction, so if you’re spending time on social media or checking email before bed, those activities are keeping you awake instead! Make sure that all electronic devices are off (or put them in another room) 2 hours before going to sleep each night–this includes TVs as well!
Eat three meals and three snacks per day, spaced about 6 hours apart. Eat a healthy breakfast within an hour of waking up. It’s the most important meal of the day! Choose whole grains instead of refined ones, like white bread or pasta. Whole grains have more fiber and nutrients than refined ones do, so they’ll keep you feeling full longer–and they’re better for you too! Snack on fruits and veggies whenever possible! Try to eat at least 2 cups worth per day (about half an ounce per serving). Fruits and veggies are packed with vitamins, minerals, antioxidants…the list goes on!
Stretching is one of the most effective ways to relax your muscles and mind, improve your posture, boost circulation and sleep quality, and prevent injuries. For these reasons alone it’s worth adding stretching into your daily routine! Taking mental breaks from work or study can help you stay focused on what matters most–and avoid getting overwhelmed by the little things that take up too much energy (like social media). Mental breaks also keep us motivated because they give us time away from our tasks so we can recharge before diving back in again.
To meet your daily goal of five servings of fruits and vegetables, include a variety of fruits and vegetables in your diet. Fruits can be fresh or frozen, dried or canned. Vegetables are best when fresh but also available canned or frozen.
Meditation is a great way to relax and recharge. It can help you feel more positive and less stressed, sleep better, be more focused, and even make you more confident in yourself. But how do you start meditating? The first step is deciding what type of meditation works best for you; If it’s easier for you to imagine something than say it out loud (like me), try guided meditations that use imagery or sound as part of the process. I like these ones from Headspace because they’re short enough that I don’t get bored listening every day!
There are so many benefits to drinking water. It helps you stay hydrated, it flushes out toxins and waste from your body, and it can even make you feel full! But how much water do you need to drink each day? The general rule of thumb is that men should consume about 13 cups (3 liters) of fluids per day while women need 9 cups (2.2 liters). However, this number varies based on several factors including age, weight and activity level; if this feels too daunting for you right now then start small by aiming for around 8 ounces (240 ml) throughout the day until things become more routine. If tracking your intake seems like too much work there are plenty of other ways to get more fluid into your diet: add lemon slices or mint leaves into sparkling water; try drinking broth instead of coffee or tea; use ice cubes instead of sugar cubes in soda drinks…the possibilities are endless!
You know that sleep is important, but how much do you really need? The recommended amount of sleep is 8 hours. You may think that’s impossible, but it’s not! Sleep helps your body recover from the day’s activities and allows it to function properly during the next day. When you don’t get enough restful sleep at night, your body will feel more sluggish during the day and less alert than if you had gotten enough shut-eye. Sleep also helps with concentration levels so that when it comes time for an exam or presentation at work, you’ll be able to focus on what needs to happen instead of worrying about being tired all day long! If getting enough rest isn’t something that comes naturally for everyone (and let’s face facts here–it doesn’t come naturally for most people), there are ways around this problem: taking naps during lunch breaks; creating relaxing environments where we can unwind before bedtime (dim lights/relaxing music); setting alarms on smartphones so we don’t overstay our welcome in bed.
The first habit to start is taking 9,000 steps each day. This can be measured by using a pedometer, which you can buy at any store. Alternatively, if you don’t want to buy one or already own one that isn’t working properly (which happens often), there are apps for both Android and iPhone that will track your steps as well. Once you know how many steps you need each day, try adding more activities into your daily routine that involve walking more than usual–it could be anything from taking the stairs instead of an escalator/elevator or walking around while talking on the phone instead of sitting still while talking on it!
If you have the motivation and determination to start these 9 healthy habits, then it’s time to get started. You can do this by setting yourself an achievable goal each day that will encourage you along the way. For example, if your goal is exercising more often than usual then decide on how many days per week (e.g. 3 times) would be best suited for starting out at first before increasing further down the line once comfortable enough with how things go initially when trying something new like this one does require dedication from both sides; yourself plus others around them too!